Air-condition And Chiller Services
Air conditioning can also provide us with safety and better quality of life in our own homes . Reduced Possibility Of Asthma Attacks, A More Secure Home, Cool Place To Exercise, Less Insects And Parasites, Better Sleep, Prevents Electronics From Overheating, Improves Work Performance, Reduces The Risk Of Dehydration, Reduces The Risk Of Heat Stroke, Less Noise.The purpose of a chiller is to utilize the power of outside air and water to maintain the target temperature at a constant level. Therefore, it can be used to cool or heat. Because it is necessary to keep the temperature constant at all times, it is not limited to cooling.Chillers transfer heat away from a space that requires climate control much like a traditional split system or package unit does, but they use water (or a water solution) to do so instead of air. There are two types of chillers: water-cooled and air-cooled.